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VANITII Vanity Makeup Cloud LED Mirror With Lights Strip Smart Control Wall Mount Decor Glass Hanging Removable
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- Generous Viewing Area: This mirror offers a 18" x 22" reflective surface, providing ample space to see your entire face and more. The size is perfect for detailed makeup application, skincare routines, and other grooming tasks, ensuring that you have a clear and comprehensive view.
- LED Light Strip: Equipped with a high-quality LED light strip, this mirror provides bright and even illumination. The natural daylight-like lighting helps in achieving flawless makeup application and precise grooming, making it easier to see every detail clearly.
- Adjustable Brightness & 3 Light Temperatures: Customize your lighting experience with adjustable brightness levels and three distinct light temperature settings (warm, natural, and cool). Whether you're preparing for a sunny day, a cozy evening, or a professional setting, you can adjust the lighting to suit your needs and create the perfect ambiance.
- 10X Magnifying Mirror: For those moments when you need to focus on the finer details, the 10X magnifying mirror attachment is invaluable. It's perfect for precise tasks such as applying eyeliner, tweezing, or inspecting your skin closely, allowing you to achieve flawless results every time.
- 360-Degree Rotation: The mirror features a 360-degree rotating design, allowing you to adjust the angle to your exact needs. Whether you're standing or sitting, this flexibility ensures that you can always find the perfect viewing position, making your grooming and makeup routines more comfortable and efficient.