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39.4'' Wall Mounted Single Bathroom Vanity with Stone Vanity Top
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Product Code: N09H541R3M Item Code: 6OZQS2PP1K
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Such a modern rectangular bathroom vanity provides great storage with 2 soft-closing solid wood drawers and 2 doors, just perfect for organizing all of your daily washing essentials. The cabinet has a stylish smooth finish, and the white ceramic sink has smooth lines and a thick profile. So this bathroom vanity set is the ideal starting point for creating an elegant and modern bathroom. Easy to install with minimal assembly required. The mirror and faucet are not included.

Smooth color and hardware in polished finish.

Note: Natural Material Color Variation (No item has the same color, finish, or texture due to natural factors).

The vanity top is pre-drilled for a 1.38 in. single hole faucet.

The diameter of the drainage pipe should be 1.18" (Drain Assembly Included).

The stone vanity top includes an under-mount ceramic sink.
NOTE: This item comes with two packages. Package 1: 58.3lbs, 43" * 22" * 11"   Package 2: 56.5lbs, 42" * 20" * 6"