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VANITII GLOBAL Bear LED Vanity Makeup Mirror Cute With Light Strip Touch Sensor Color Adjustable White Metal Removable Cosmetic
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- Adjustable Brightness & 3 colors Lights:Our vanity mirror is equipped with adjustable brightness settings and three distinct light modes—warm, cool, and natural daylight—to mimic different lighting conditions. This feature allows you to apply makeup or groom yourself under the most suitable light for any occasion.
- Detachable Mirror Base & Hanging setting:The mirror features a versatile design with a detachable base that gives you the option to either stand it on your vanity or hang it on the wall. This dual functionality saves space and caters to various room setups, making it a perfect fit for any environment.
- Smart Touch Control Mirror:With its intuitive smart touch controls, adjusting the lighting and settings of the mirror is as simple as a light tap. The responsive touch panel ensures seamless operation, allowing you to focus on your grooming routine without any interruptions.
- 10X Magnification mirror:The included 10x magnification mirror provides a detailed view of your skin, making it easier to apply makeup precisely or perform skincare routines. It’s ideal for close-up work like applying eyeliner, tweezing eyebrows, or inspecting skin imperfections.